2024 Holiday Card
In 2024, we made our list and Marked it (more than) twice!
Aventia Expands Environmental Services Platform With St.Germain Acquisition
LAKEWOOD, Colorado, Feb. 12, 2025 – Aventia, an industry-leading platform providing comprehensive environmental service solutions, today announced...
Job Opening: Civil Engineer
St.Germain is a Maine-based, locally owned firm based in Westbrook, Maine, and we are growing! We are seeking a motivated, self-starting Civil...
2023 Holiday Card
It's always tricky to get everyone in the family to smile at the same time for the holiday card! Here are a few of our attempts...
Maine’s New PFAS in Products Law: a Rulemaking Update
In July 2021, the Maine Legislature passed LD 1503, An Act To Stop Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Pollution, requiring manufacturers...
2022 Holiday Card
In 2022, St.Germain celebrated its 30th year in business; so this holiday season, we wanted to incorporate our Cheers to 30 Years celebration into...
Creating Affordable Housing Takes a Village
Here’s how we can help.
Is Your Business Prepared for an Oil Spill?
Large or small, oil spills can endanger public health, wildlife, natural resources, drinking water, your reputation, and our economy. If you own a...
The 2021 Enforcement Summary is Here
A roundup of New England’s biggest environmental violations
An Update on PFAS in Maine
Shocking headlines are just the beginning.
The New Phase I ESA Standard is Here. Here’s what you need to know.
New ASTM 1527-21 Standard Practice for Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) On November 1, 2021, the ASTM International Committee on...
2021 Holiday Card
In 2021, we decided to get festive and dress up as our favorite holiday movie characters. Our office building even got in on the fun, dressing up as...
Is that stream crossing past its expiration date?
Learn what aging stream crossings mean for Maine’s municipalities
Stormwater Compliance: A Guide for Maine Businesses
Get to know the complexities of proper compliance … and how to simplify the process.
How to Prevent Heat Illness in the Workplace
The combination of heat and humidity can be a serious health threat during the summer months. If you work outside (for example, at a beach resort, on a farm, at a construction site) or in a kitchen, laundry, or manufacturing plant you may be at increased risk for heat related illness.
2020 Violations
St.Germain provides services ranging from remediating spills on the ground beneath us, testing the air we breathe, and providing plans and performing inspections to keep client facilities on par with environmental regulations.
Renewed Focus on OSHA Inspections
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is charged with ensuring safe and healthful working conditions for workers by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance.
2020 Holiday Card
1-Kris, 2-Keith, 3-Sandy, 4-Mark, 5-Peter, 6-Ellen, 7-Amanda with Ellie, Dolly, and Dylan, 8-Randee, 9-Paul, 10-John, 11-Thalia, 12-Brian, 13-Gene,...
COVID-19 Best Practices: Discharges from Outdoor Handwashing Sinks Not an Issue per Maine DEP
Some companies in Maine have begun using portable hand-washing sinks outside their facilities so employees can wash their hands prior to entering and when leaving.
Desktop Reviews
We would like to provide you with a brief update and reminder of St.Germains’ Desktop Review resources during this time of COVID-19.
Planning Board Meetings are Returning….Remotely
We are all reeling from the upheaval caused by this pandemic and know that in-person public meetings such as Planning Boards are on hold. ...
Enforcement Actions – 2019
St.Germain has compiled a select list highlighting U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and individual State enforcement actions from 2019.
Good News From St.Germain
To our valued clients, vendors, partners and friends: It is with great pleasure that today we announce the completion of St.Germain's...
2019 Holiday Card
What a Waste Presentation
Mike Rioux, CHMM our Senior Regulatory Specialist has been asked to present "What a Waste" at the 92nd Annual Maine Safety & Health...
Maine Water Environment Association’s Annual Fall Convention
St.Germain is proud to be a member of the Maine Water Environmental Association (MEWEA), whose mission is to support and enhance Maine's water...
The Under Agreement Road Map
Erin Pike, one of our Environmental Professionals here at St.Germain was invited to participate in as a local expert on the "Under Agreement Road...
Environmental Liability of Former Dry Cleaner Properties
Today dry cleaning operations follow strict rules ensuring that the common dry cleaning chemical tetrachloroethene (PCE) is properly managed....
Mölnlycke Wins a Sustainability Award
St.Germain has enjoyed working with Mölnlycke for 15 years, and witnessing their effectiveness at going above and beyond regulatory compliance...
Maine Department of Environmental Protection Proposes the Regulation of PFOS in Children’s Products
With news stories and communications from us, many now know that PFAS is a family of complex compounds primarily consisting of Perfluorooctane...
SOP 50 10 5(K)
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) issued Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) 50 10 5(K), Lender and Development Company Loan Programs,...
SWANApalooza National Conference
St.Germain is a member of the Solid Waste Association of North American (SWANA), and is very involved in the Northern New England Chapter....
Scholarship Opportunity
As members of the Northern New England Chapter of the Solid Waste Association of Northern America (SWANA), St.Germain is posting this scholarship...
Enforcement Actions 2018
Knowing the type of enforcement actions initiated by regulatory agencies can help you better understand what pitfalls to avoid. As a service to...
US DOT Training – Who Needs It?
US DOT training...who needs it? You might. Training is required every three years for anyone who directly affects hazardous materials transportation...
Annual Forecast Calls for Espresso
MEREDA's 2019 Annual Forecast Conference is next week: Thursday, January 17, 2019 9 am - 5 pm Holiday Inn by the Bay 88 Spring Street in Portland...
Reporting Due Dates
To help you stay on track, St.Germain has developed a listing of typical environmental health and safety (EHS) reporting due dates. For your...
2018 Holiday Card
Final Training Sessions of the Year
Have you and your environmental, health and safety (EHS) staff completed all your hazardous materials training requirements? The final two training...
Understanding Your MEPDES Permit
Sandra Perry, St.Germain' Director of Environmental Health and Safety presented "Understanding Your MEPDES Permit" at the 2018 Maine Water...
Register for the Maine Hazardous and Universal Waste Training 9/19/18
Have you registered for the next Maine-Specific Hazardous & Universal Waste training yet? It's jam packed with information and some fun...
Proposed Revisions to Chapter 101: Visible Emissions Regulation
The Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is proposing changes to Chapter 101: Visible Emissions Regulation. Chapter 101 regulates...
What You Should Know About e-Manifest
St.Germain hosted an e-Manifest Brunch and Learn event at our office in Westbrook. It was a packed house of generators, transporters and receivers...
Hazardous Waste Regulations – Massachusetts Course Completion
The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) creates the framework for the proper management of hazardous and non-hazardous solid waste. Mike...
NHDES Hazardous Waste Coordinator Certification
Congratulations to Mike Rioux, Senior Regulatory Specialist and Technical Lead at St.Germain, who has successfully completed all the necessary...
MEDEP Stormwater or Site Law Permit Certification Reminder
The Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) recently sent out a five-year certification reminder to those who have a DEP Stormwater or...
Convenience Store Permitting and Design Presentation
Here is the link to, "Site Permitting and Design 101: MODA Conference- Managing C-Stores and Protecting the Environment" presented by Patrick...
Environmental Compliance Using Common IT Tools
Here is the link to Patrick Coughlin's presentation, "Environmental Compliance Using Common IT Tools" given at the MODA Conference in October...
Mining for Gold in RCRA
Mike Rioux presented "Mining for Gold in RCRA" at the Maine Hospital Association's annual meeting in March, 2009. Here is a link to the MHA...
Brownfields New DEP Soil Cleanup Standards
This is the link to Keith R. Taylor's presentation, "Brownfield Site Cleanup and the New Maine DEP Soil Cleanup Guidelines" from April 2010.
Regs, RAGs and Trucks – Changes in Environmental Rules
Here is the link to "Regs, RAGs and Trucks – Changes in Environmental Rules" presented by Patrick Coughlin at the Maine Energy Marketers...
Green Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Groundwater Using Oxygen Injection
In March 2012, Brian Bachmann, C.G. and Keith R. Taylor, C.G. presented at the Maine Water Conference, linked in this post. This presentation...
Growing from Within – Maine’s Environmental Services Cluster
This presentation discussing Maine's Environmental Services Cluster was given by Patrick Coughlin at the E2Tech Expo in October 2015. In this...
Regulatory Inspection Preparedness Webinar
Here is a link to the Regulatory Inspection Preparedness Webinar presented by Sandra J. Perry, Senior Project Manager. In her presentation, Sandra...
Spill Reporting Webinar
Here is the recording of the webinar: Federal and State Hazardous Substances Spill Reporting in Maine. Scroll down for links to...
Environmental Training Requirements Webinar
Here is the recording of the Environmental Training Requirements webinar, and links below of additional resources. Links to Resources: Webinar...
MEREDA Stormwater Event
At MEREDA's November 2016 Morning Menu Breakfast Event: Sustainable Stormwater Infrastructure = Sustainable Growth: Perspectives on Stormwater...
Salt Contamination of Private Wells – It’s Not as Simple as It May Seem: Maine Water Conference
In November of 2016, Keith R. Taylor, C.G. gave a presentation at Unity College on salt contamination of private wells. In his presentation, Keith...
Industrial Wastewater Conference
On June 25th, our Director of EHS Services, Sandra Perry, attended the Industrial Wastewater Conference in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The event was...
Summer Interns
We're pleased to announce two new interns here at St.Germain this summer: Nicholas "Nick" Barker, Environmental Intern Nick recently graduated...
Northern New England Energy Conference 2018
Mark St.Germain and Anthony Ortiz are attending the Northern New England Energy Conference hosted by the Maine Energy Marketers Association and the...
Manufacturing Summit 2018
This week, companies from across all manufacturing sectors will gather at the Manufacturing Summit 2018 for workshops and exhibits while looking at...
EPA’s New e-Manifest System
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is implementing its new nation-wide e-Manifest system beginning June 30, 2018. With the promise...
Stormwater Resiliency Conference
The Enhancing Stormwater Resilience in the Built Environment Specialty Conference showcases projects, strategies, and case studies that effectively...
Propane Summit 2.0
Anthony Ortiz and Patrick Coughlin are attending Propane Summit 2.0 to stay up to date with the latest in the propane industry. This...
Maine Recycling and Solid Waste Conference 2018
Mark St.Germain and Peter Mohlin are "Betting on Innovation" at the Maine Resource and Recovery Association (MRRA) annual conference. ...
“Talking Trash” Conference
The EBC / SWANA / NRRA 5th Annual "Talking Trash" in Northern New England Conference is happening today April 6, 2018. Mark St.Germain and Peter...
Maine Sustainability & Water Conference
The Maine Sustainability & Water Conference is a forum for professionals, researchers, consultants, citizens, students, regulators,...
Don McFadden Appointed to MEREDA’s Board of Directors
We're pleased to share the news that Don McFadden, St.Germain' Director of Environmental Services has been appointed to the board of directors...
Enforcement Actions 2017
Knowing the enforcement actions initiated by Maine Department of Environmental Protection (Maine DEP) and New Hampshire Department of Environmental...
U.S. DOT Shipping Hazardous Materials Training
St.Germain is offering a one-day training session for anyone whose job responsibilities include offering and/or receiving shipments of hazardous...
Summer Internship
College students (juniors or seniors) majoring in science or engineering can gain real-world work experience and skills through St.Germain'...
Upcoming EHS Training Courses
Are you looking for EHS training in Maine? St.Germain is offering the following one-day courses in our Westbrook, Maine location. Maine Hazardous...
Changes to SBA’s Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) 50 10 5(J) Impacting Environmental Policies and Procedures
Now that the U.S. Small Business Administration's (SBA) Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) 50 10 5(J) went into effect earlier this month, below is...
Welcome to the 2018 EHS Reporting Season
First on many EHS reporting calendars is the annual Tier II Chemical Inventory Report. Submission of Tier II reports to state emergency...
Environmental, EHS, Engineering and Espresso!
St.Germain will be at MEREDA's 2018 Annual Real Estate Forecast Conference & Member Showcase: Thursday, January 18, 20189 am - 5 pmHoliday...
Hazardous & Universal Waste Training for Maine Large Quantity Generators (LQG) and Small Quantity Generators (SQG)
This one-day course is like no other. At St.Germain you'll learn practical ways to apply Maine Department of Environmental Protection's...
2017 Holiday Card
New Office in New Hampshire
St.Germain has opened an office in downtown Portsmouth, New Hampshire! Just like our office in Westbrook, Maine, our talented scientists,...
What’s New with VRAP, Part 2
The Maine Legislature established the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Voluntary Response Action Program (VRAP) almost 25 years...
There’s No Place Like Maine When It Comes to Spill Reporting Requirements
Spill reporting requirements for hazardous materials in general are complicated, and Maine's are like no other states' requirements. Spill...
Maine Stormwater Conference 2017
Visit us at the Maine Stormwater Conference Monday, October 23 and Tuesday, October 24 at the Holiday Inn by the Bay. We will be at Booth #31 both...
An Emerging Family of Contaminants: PFAS
PFAS are a family of complex compounds primarily consisting of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). PFAS have...
EHS Compliance: A Big Picture Perspective
At the Maine Water Environment Association (MEWEA) fall conference, Sandra Perry presented "EHS Compliance: A Big Picture Perspective" focusing on...
Maine Hazardous & Universal Waste Training for Large and Small Quantity Generators
This 8-hour course is like no other. At St.Germain you'll learn practical ways to apply Maine Department of Environmental Protection's regulations...
Maine-Specific Hazardous & Universal Waste Training for Large and Small Quantity Generators
Learn practical ways to apply Maine Department of Environmental Protection regulations to your facility. This one-day course focuses on requirements...
Industrial Emission Control Technology Conference and Workshop
This week Mike Rioux, CHMM is attending the 2017 Industrial Emission Control Technology Conference and Workshop in Portland, Maine. The focus...
New look, vision and values
Twenty-five years ago this firm was established with just one employee! To reflect how St.Germain has grown since 1992, we are transitioning...
Preventable Hearing Loss
Hearing loss due to high noise levels is irreversible. It cannot be corrected, even with surgery or hearing aids, but it is preventable....
What’s New with VRAP?
Changes Are Anticipated in the Maine Department of Environmental Protection Voluntary Response Action Program The Maine Legislature established...
New Hampshire Hazardous Waste & Contaminated Sites Conference
The 2017 New Hampshire Hazardous Waste &Contaminated Sites Conference was held May 24, with Mike RIoux and Keith Taylor from...
Congratulations to Sandra Perry
We are pleased to announce that Sandra Perry has been promoted to Director of Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Services. Sandy has been Senior...
Revisiting Air Licensing Thresholds
You’re walking on air. Your licenses are in order, the license conditions are being met and you are using Sentry EHS for automatic...
New Environmental Team Member
Welcome Grant Austin St.Germain is pleased to announce that Grant Austin has joined our environmental team as a Senior Project Manager. In...
Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Compliance Assistance
Maine Emergency Management Agency and U.S. EPA Region 1 are providing a Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Compliance Assistance Workshop for...
How to Site & Permit a Bulk Liquid Propane Plant
At the Propane Gas Association of New England's Spring Meeting in Providence, RI in April, Patrick Coughlin presented an informative and engaging...
Annual Maine Recycling & Solid Waste Conference
Maine Resource Recovery Association (MRRA) hosts the 24th Annual Maine Recycling & Solid Waste Conference this week in Rockland, Maine....
Sustainable Property and Asset-Based Transactions Conference
RTM Communications, Inc. is hosting this conference to address the "New Normal" in business and real estate transactions involving contaminated...
Proactive Compliance
Proactive Compliance with Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Regulations Can Save You a Pot o' Gold Keeping ahead of EHS...
Enforcement Actions 2016
Knowing the type of enforcement actions initiated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Maine Department of Environmental Protection...
Governor’s Award for Environmental Excellence
Sentry EHS®, a technology solution created by St.Germain, was one of only three businesses in Maine to be presented the 2016 Governor's Award...
Final Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) Issued
Here is a follow up to the Hot Topic we sent in October, 2016 that included a list of key provisions expected from the Maine Department of...
2016 Holiday Card
Proactively Assign Tasks and Track EHS Compliance Easily
by Anthony Ortiz Environmental Engineer St.Germain | Sentry EHS® Managing environmental, health and safety (EHS) compliance is difficult whether...
TSCA Reform Law
The 1976 Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) was passed to protect the public from "unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment" by...
Help Staff Achieve EHS Training Obligations
by Ellen Rathbone Regulatory Specialist St.Germain | Sentry EHS® Keeping up with the various environmental, health and safety (EHS) training...
Keys to an Effective Environmental Risk Management Program (ERMP)
By Donald McFadden, C.G. Director of Environmental Services St.Germain Managing environmental risk in commercial real estate (CRE) lending can be...
Major Stormwater Revisions Proposed for Maine’s Multi-Sector General Permit
After consideration of comments on the preliminary draft renewal of Maine's Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) for Stormwater Discharge Associated...
Webinar: Environmental Training Requirements
Join us for the next in our series of complimentary webinars: Monday, October 24, 2016 2:00 PM EDT Duration: 30 minutes This webinar...
U.S. DOT Shipping Hazardous Materials Training: Who Needs It and Why?
U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Shipping Hazardous Materials Training: Who Needs It and Why? The U.S. Department of Transportation...
Job Hazardous Analysis – a top New Years resolution for EHS Managers
Here is the next in our series of Top 6 New Year's Resolutions to make sure employees return home safely to their...
Federal and State Hazardous Substances Spill Reporting Requirements in Maine – WEBINAR
Spill reporting requirements can be complicated depending on what is spilled, how much is spilled, and where it is spilled. This webinar will...
Two More Scientists Join Your St.Germain Team
St.Germain is pleased to announce the two newest additions to your team: Kris Plante and Ty Hughes. Kris Plante is an Environmental Scientist...
EHS Manager’s New Year’s Resolution #1
Start the year off right by making sure that EHS programs are up-to-date and in compliance. by Sandy Perry, Senior Project Manager – St.Germain New...
Recent Staff Accomplishments
We are pleased to announce the following promotions: Patrick Coughlin has expanded his role at the firm and is now Director of Sentry EHS where he...
2015 Holiday Card
Oxygen Enhanced Bio-Remediation at an Active Gasoline Station
St.Germain identified evidence of dissolved phase diesel and gasoline compounds at an active gasoline station in Western Maine. With volatile...
SENTRY EHS Version 2.0 Is Here!
St.Germain is pleased to announce the successful launch of Sentry EHS Version 2.0. This is a milestone for...
Heat-Related Illnesses (Prevention and Treatment)
Hot days can be a welcome relief, especially after the winter many of us experienced. Being safe is a top priority though. Injury Facts 2015...
Thank you once again for your support during the Gorham Savings Bank LaunchPad Competition. We were thrilled to make it to the final five with your...
Recent Hires
We are pleased to announce these recent additions to our firm: Kathryn Deneroff joined St.Germain as a Regulatory Specialist. She...
MEDEP and NHDES Enforcement Actions in 2014
Knowing the type of enforcement actions initiated by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection and the New Hampshire Department of...
City of Portland, Maine Stormwater Service Fees and Credits
Like many other municipalities in the US who already assess fees for stormwater services, the City of Portland, Maine will implement a new...
In order to provide an electronic reporting system that allows qualifying companies to fulfill the reporting requirements of Chapter 137 of the...
EPA announced two new rules which became effective on January 31, 2014 for the management of spent wipes. These new rules provide management...
We are pleased to announce that Peter Mohlin has joined our firm. Peter is an Environmental Health & Safety Specialist whose experience...
EHS regulations are extensive and complex, and St.Germain' senior scientists have been helping our clients understand how those rules apply to their...
We are pleased to announce that St.Germain has acquired Black Point Environmental, LLC. This merger will expand our environmental and engineering...
Knowing the type of enforcement actions initiated by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection and the New Hampshire Department of...
Erin Pike Joins FIrm as Environmental Specialist
We are pleased to announce that Erin Pike has joined St.Germain as an Environmental Scientist. Erin will utilize her nearly 10 years of professional...
Recent Achievements in Engineering
We've been busy! Here is an overview of our recent engineering projects. Casella Environmental Park, Pine Tree Waste, Inc.,Westbrook, ME ...
Knowing the type of enforcement actions initiated by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection and the US Environmental Protection Agency can...
Anthony Ortiz has joined St.Germain as an Environmental Scientist. Anthony will utilize his civil environmental engineering degree and experience to...
Knowing the type of enforcement actions initiated by state regulatory agencies can help you better understand what pitfalls to avoid. As a service...
The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) will advance safety and health protection for workers by providing...
As the world of environmental regulation becomes increasingly complex, we have realized that we need to grow and adapt our service practices to meet...
Because it is less probable that a facility with an operator who has completed proper training will experience a petroleum spill, the Federal...
Patrick Coughlin is Principal and Senior Scientist at St.Germain with environmental chemistry and public relations experience going back to 1989....
Second only to California, Maine leads the nation in total acres conserved by land trusts with almost 2 million acres according to the 2010 National...
In New England, 64 percent of consumer waste is either recycled or converted to energy, more than any other region in the U.S. (see map below). Part...
Brian Bachmann, C.G., Geologist at St.Germain, will be presenting "Green Bioremediation of Petroleum Contaminated Groundwater Using Oxygen Injection...
Knowing the type of enforcement actions initiated by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection and the US Environmental Protection Agency can...
Project Description St.Germain provided civil engineering and local permitting support to the Westbrook Housing Authority. Our senior civil engineer...
Site History The former Prime Tanning site in downtown Berwick, Maine has sat vacant since 2008 when Prime Tanning consolidated its operations in...
SWANA (The Solid Waste Association of North America) is holding WASTECON 2010, their major waste management conference in Boston this year. SWANA is...
SPCC Plans Required For Parked Trucks
EPA is saying that parked cargo tank vehicles (i.e., delivery trucks) containing product in a parking area (such as one that would be found at an...
St.Germain Announces Patrick Coughlin as Principal
Mark St.Germain and Scott Collins are pleased to announce that Patrick Coughlin has joined them as a principal of the firm. Mark St.Germain,...
Why Should I Provide Fencing for My Oil Storage Facility?
Why are some bulk oil storage facilities fully fenced, and some not? This is a question many of our petroleum clients ask us. The simple answer:...
Maine DEP Revising All Soil Cleanup Standards
Since the 1990s, the Maine DEP has relied on two cleanup guidelines for contaminated soil: 1) the Remedial Action Guidelines (commonly referred to...