Final Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) Issued

Here is a follow up to the Hot Topic we sent in October, 2016 that included a list of key provisions expected from the Maine Department of Environmental Protection’s (MEDEP) draft Multi-Sector General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity.

The MEDEP issued the final MSGP on December 7, 2016 after the agency’s consideration of public comments received on the draft. A summary of key changes that were made by the MEDEP in the final permit are here:  

  • The requirement that all permittees submit annual Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) reports has been removed since the draft. Only those facilities that have effluent limitations included in their specific industry sector are required to submit annual reports.
  • The definition of “Qualifying Storm Event” was revised, reverting back to MSGPs issued previous to the 2011 permit, to:”…waters that produce a measurable discharge of 0.1 inch or more in a 24-hour period…” The 2011 permit did not include the 0.1 inch requirement.
  • Look closely at the list of Allowable Non-Stormwater Discharges in Section C of the MSGP, as more revisions were made to the list.
  • The language in the Good Housekeeping control measure specific to dumpsters in Section H was revised, providing some flexibility from the draft which proposed that all dumpsters must be covered. The final MSGP states:” Dumpster lids must be closed when not in use, or provide secondary containment; some type of control measure is required.”
  • Catch basin maintenance, also in Section H, was revised allowing an alternative to the prescriptive requirement for cleaning based on depth of debris and debris surface at least 6-inches below the outlet pipe, to alternatively establishing a routine maintenance schedule (e.g., clean out 1x per year).
  • New language was added to Section N. Monitoring Requirements for Routine Facility Inspections, requiring rotation of outfall inspections for those facilities that have multiple outfalls within one drainage sector. Each outfall must be inspected at least once over the 5-year permit term.

Please contact us for additional details or if you need assistance updating or developing your facility SWPPP or preparing and submitting a Notice of Intent (NOI), both of which must be completed by February 6, 2017.