At MEREDA’s November 2016 Morning Menu Breakfast Event: Sustainable Stormwater Infrastructure = Sustainable Growth: Perspectives on Stormwater Service Fee Programs and Credits the panelists discussed the City of Portland Stormwater Service Charge–why it is needed by the City and what measures property owners can take to qualify for credits–and about what fees/credits other municipalities in Maine such as Bangor and Lewiston, and in other areas of the United States have implemented and/or are planning, and how property owners have successfully improved the quality of their stormwater runoff while reducing their stormwater service bills.
Here is a link to the slides from the presentation.
Additional resources mentioned in today’s presentation can be found here:
City of Portland, Maine – Stormwater Service Charge and Credit Program
Stormwater Credit Manual for Portland, Maine
City of Bangor, Maine – Stormwater Utility
City of Lewiston, Maine – Stormwater Utility
Maine Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual