Project: Large Fuel Oil and Propane Distributor in New England



With the rising demand of consumer heating products, companies in the energy sector have been experiencing rapid growth. As a result of this boom, one large fuel oil and propane distributor in New England had quickly swelled to over 130 sites with hundreds of storage tanks.

With the complexity of their environmental, health, and safety (EHS) program, this distributor reached out to St.Germain to help them with regulatory questions that arose during daily operations.


Through answering their EHS questions, St.Germain developed a relationship with employees throughout the company and began to understand the nuances of each site.

With this information, we identified gaps in several areas of compliance. We then helped to improve their EHS program by creating plans and training programs, strengthening their internal EHS database, and completing reports to bring them back into compliance.

To position the company for future success, we also set up a compliance calendar for them using our software program, Sentry EHS, to track important compliance dates.


Today, St.Germain has expanded our relationship with the company, assisting them with tank closures and site acquisition projects that involve our environmental and engineering teams. We aim to continue to tackle EHS challenges as their company continues to grow.


EHS Compliance
Employee Training
EHS Reporting
Tank Closures
Environmental Due Diligence
Sentry EHS Program